Top Of The Week

What are some common sentencing issues raised by defendants in criminal cases?

Congress, there is a disparity in sentences when defendants with similar criminal records found guilty of similar...

What are some common constitutional issues raised by defendants in criminal cases?

Overview; The right to be tried by the grand jury before any criminal charge for serious crimes; the prohibition of...

What constitutional amendments are most associated with criminal procedure?

The most important amendments that apply to criminal law are the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments. All of these ...

What is the difference between a criminal case and a civil case?

Both civil and criminal cases consider violations of people's rights and who is at fault. However, they differ in...

How does miranda rights work in criminal cases?

Many people believe that if they are detained and don't read their rights, they can escape punishment. However, if the...

What are the rights of an accused person in a criminal trial?

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without...

Editors Picks

What are some common evidentiary issues raised by defendants in criminal cases?

What are some common evidentiary issues raised by defendants in criminal cases?

Evidentiary issues are generally raised during the trial through objections, motions to annul testimony, and requests for ...

What is a motion to suppress evidence in criminal law?

What is a motion to suppress evidence in criminal law?

Motions to Suppress Evidence: Section 1538, 5.A of the California Penal Code. The motion to suppress evidence is a...

How does closing arguments work in criminal cases?

How does closing arguments work in criminal cases?

They do this by explaining how the evidence supports their theory of the case and clarifying to the jury any issues they...

What is the purpose of criminal law?

What is the purpose of criminal law?

The purpose of criminal law is to provide society with a set of rules on legal and illegal behavior. In other words,...

What is an arraignment in criminal law?

What is an arraignment in criminal law?

Once criminal charges are filed, the defendant first appears in court in New Jersey. This stage is known as arraignment.

What are the elements of a criminal offense?

What are the elements of a criminal offense?

The act may be a necessary but not sufficient cause of criminal harm. Intermediate events may have occurred between the...